Here's the place where you can write articles, communicate with each other and support team (if needed), comment articles and so on. We have generated with ChatGPT some basic rules, we kindly ask you to follow them:
No Spam: Members must not post irrelevant or repetitive content. This includes promotional content, advertisements, and unrelated links.
Respect Others: We encourage a respectful and friendly atmosphere. Harassment, hate speech, or personal attacks are not allowed. Discussions should remain civil and constructive.
No Politics or Controversial Topics: Please avoid any discussions on politics, religion, or other highly controversial subjects to prevent heated debates.
Stay On-Topic: We encourage members to post content and comments related to the purpose of our community. Off-topic discussions can disrupt the flow of information.
No Plagiarism: Members should not post content that infringes on someone else's copyright. We promote original contributions.
Respect Privacy: Please do not share personal information, whether it's your own or someone else's. This includes not posting sensitive or private information about yourself or others.
No Profanity or Offensive Content: We aim to maintain a family-friendly environment and prohibit the use of profanity, obscenities, or offensive content.
No Trolling or Baiting: Behaviour intended to provoke or upset other members is not tolerated. This includes trolling, flame-baiting, or disruptive comments.
Be Mindful of Grammar and Clarity: We encourage members to make their posts and comments clear and comprehensible to maintain the quality of discussions.
No Self-Promotion: Self-promotion should be limited to designated areas. Members should not post links or content solely for personal gain.
Use Proper Formatting: We suggest using proper formatting, such as headers, bullet points, and paragraphs to enhance readability.
Moderation and Reporting: If you saw any inappropriate content or behaviour, please drop a message to
No Impersonation: Impersonating others or falsely representing oneself is not allowed.
Respect Copyright: Members are expected to respect copyright laws and not post content for which they do not have permission.
Regularly Review Rules: We will regularly review and update our community guidelines to adapt to changing needs and ensure they remain relevant.
Consequences for Violations: The consequences for violations of these rules, may include warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans.
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