Our virtual servers in Hosting work on two versions of KVMmanager - KVM5 and KVM6.
The version you get is based on the location of your virtual server. Here, we're going to look at one of the features that virtual servers based on KVMmanager6 have: IPv6 configuration.
If your server is based on KVM6, your panel will look the following way:
When purchasing a KVM6 virtual server, you are given an IPv6 subnet, which you can find it here:
Parameters -> IP addresses -> IPv6
To be able to use a certain IPv6 on your machine, you need to take it from your subnet and configure it. The first IP of the subnet is always pre-configured for you. If you click on network parameters next to the subnet, you will be able to see the parameters of your IPv6 subnet:
For example, here the size of the subnet is /125, and the gateway end with ::f8. The first address that is pre-configured for this server will end in ::fa.
If you would like to have more than one IPv6 on your server, you would need to configure all the other additional addresses inside your server's OS. Let's check how we can do it.
Ubuntu and Debian
1. Connect to your server via SSH;
2. Open network configuration by typing the following: nano /etc/network/interfaces;
3. Insert network parameters as follows;
iface ens3 inet6 static
address (your IPv6 address)
netmask (your netmask)
gateway (your gateway)
auto ens3
4. restart networking service: systemctl restart networking.
AlmaLinux and CentOS
1. Connect to your server via SSH;
2. Open network configuration file by typing vim /etc/sysconfig/network and paste the following there:
3. Add IPv6 configuration into /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<interface>, where <interface> is the name of the interface, for example eth0;
4. Restart the network service by running systemctl restart network.
1. Connect to your server via RDP;
2. Press Win + R, and execute the following command: ncpa.cpl;
3. Right-click on the network connection → Properties;
4. Check that IPv6 (TCP/IPv6) is enabled. Select it and click on Properties;
5. Enable the option Use the next IPv6 address;
6. Enter any IPv6 address from the subnet, specify the Subnet prefix length and specify the Main gateway of the physical network (all information can be taken from Network settings in KVMmanager);
7. Click on OK to save the settings.
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